
How to songs on guitar hero 3
How to songs on guitar hero 3

how to songs on guitar hero 3

This, of course, means that someone else is going to continue to upload tracks that are similar in content, but have different titles. Play them while you still can, because Activision's policy points to their being probably removed in the coming days. However, a quick look at the online charts shows that, amongst the most played tracks, you can find music from Pokemon, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Portal, Metroid, or DOOM. Many players have made music sounding a lot like original creations from Super Mario Bros. After all, the company is probably not interested in getting sued due to the songs that players have created, and then uploaded for everyone else to download and play.

how to songs on guitar hero 3

Activision has moved quickly to take down those creations that were close to causing problems related to copyright infringement. Unfortunately, the potential problems of the new music-creation program proved to arise rather quickly, as a lot of players promptly started to create songs that were pretty much identical copies of very popular video games soundtracks. As the game was launched, Activision offered a popularity chart, which was meant to show what tracks were most played. When Guitar Hero World Tour was initially announced, one of the most interesting features was the fact that Activision said the game would sport a complete music creation tool, which was supposed to allow players to compose songs that could be subsequently shared with other players online.

How to songs on guitar hero 3